I just closed out reading this excellent post to see Shin Godzilla trending on twitter. Presumably because of this post. No, I'm not going to check.

I'd be interested to see if there's a recent throughline of America's role in Asia being reflected in film in this way. As you've described it, it calls to mind the role of American culture in Parasite - a genuine hegemony and source of cache that is also the butt of a joke. Anyway, another addition to the list of things to watch when I can stream again.

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Thanks for the kind words. And yeah, Shin Godzilla was, if anything, better than I expected

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After seeing the sheer insanity (or inanity, depending on your view) of the trailer for the new 'Godzilla vs. Kong' film, this might just be the cerebral monster film I need.

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I suspect it is. It's by far the best kaiju movie I've seen, tho I'm definitely not an expert in the genre

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